All request to QuesCheetah are processed with REST API.

You send the request data in JSON format.

you should set content-type: application/json in the request header.

For the authentication you should always add api-key to the request header.

Or further secure connection, instead of api-key, you can use your jwt token value and kid.

Request header

curl https://localhost:8000/v1/groups/1 \
    -X GET \
    -H 'content-type: application/json' \
    -H 'api-key: { Your key }'
curl https://localhost:8000/v1/groups/1 \
    -X GET \
    -H 'content-type: application/json' \
    -H 'jwt: { Your token }' \
    -H 'kid: { Your kid }'

The response will be always JSON object.

Error response

        "error": True,
        "description": "Error description" // this data depends on the context.


Number Description
200 OK - Everything went as planned.
400 Bad Request - Something in your header or request body was malformed.
401 Unauthorized - Necessary credentials were either missing or invalid.
404 Not Found - The object you’re requesting doesn’t exist.
500 Server Errors - Something went wrong on our end.